Request a Valuation Report

Request a Valuation

from Fine Antiques Valuers

Location is not an issue, our most common method of valuing is via email. If that does not work then we can travel to your view your items and catalogue for research and reporting back at our office.

Our fees to value start from $175+gst. Discounting is provided for large quantites, and where items are of the same maker or artist.

Talk to an appraiser
0800 268 478

Your Personal Details

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Address / Estate Location

Valuations Details

Travel outside of Christchurch generally requires addiitonal fees associated with transportation, accommodation and meals. Naturally costs are higher the more urgent the travel. 

Item Descripiton

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Location is not an issue, our most common method of valuing is via email. If that does not work then we can travel to your view your items and catalogue for research and reporting back at our office.

Our fees to value start from $175+gst. Discounting is provided for large quantites, and where items are of the same maker or artist.

Talk to an appraiser
0800 268 478

Other Services

  • Collections cataloguing
  • Antiques & art liquidation
  • Pre-purchase inspections
  • Sourcing and purchasing agents

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